The vice-mayor of Treviso, north of Italy, found the perfect way of fighting the male prostitution at the city: an «ethnic cleaning of faggots». Giancarlo G
entilli, from the North League (federalist and conservative party), made this proposal in order to finish with the male prostitution in some parking of the town's hospital. According to Mr. Gentilli «faggots should go to other capitals in the countryside that are able to host them». «In Teviso there are no possibilities to faggots or similars», he said.
Fortunatelly there are still wise people in Italy and political parties from all tendencies, ministers and associations criticized Mr. Gentilli words, who told in a local radio he would order the Local Police to «start the cleaning».
The italian minister of Family, Rosy Bindi, classified Mr. Gentilli words as «uncivilized» and underligned that«ethnic cleaning» was responsible for «tragedies in the History that caused suffering to millions of people».
The Homosexual Culture Circle Mario Mely and the Association Acigay had also reacted, having announced they would ask the intervention of the Minister of Interior, Giuliano Amato, «against a local administration who promotes violence».
The former minister Roberto Calderoni, also from the North League, denied his support: «Talking about ethnic cleaning of faggots no! Sorry, but I do not agree».
Ufff!!! I thought he wanted also to build concentration camps...

Fortunatelly there are still wise people in Italy and political parties from all tendencies, ministers and associations criticized Mr. Gentilli words, who told in a local radio he would order the Local Police to «start the cleaning».
The italian minister of Family, Rosy Bindi, classified Mr. Gentilli words as «uncivilized» and underligned that«ethnic cleaning» was responsible for «tragedies in the History that caused suffering to millions of people».
The Homosexual Culture Circle Mario Mely and the Association Acigay had also reacted, having announced they would ask the intervention of the Minister of Interior, Giuliano Amato, «against a local administration who promotes violence».
The former minister Roberto Calderoni, also from the North League, denied his support: «Talking about ethnic cleaning of faggots no! Sorry, but I do not agree».
Ufff!!! I thought he wanted also to build concentration camps...
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