Jul 5, 2007

From Cologne Pride

Following the "Pride posts", today's post is a very funny cartoon came from Cologne (Germany). It's called Homo europaeicus and it's the portrait of the differences among a Union less ans less united. Today, the cartoon of the most primitive species.


homo europaeicus
get erected!

Lech Kaczynski
(President of the Polish Republic)


mainly in East and Southeastern Europe, but also in other places

Level of development
strong refusal attitude regarding to social minorities; this species makes use of more primitive but very effective tools such as difamation, Gay Pride prohibitions and obscure laws such as “protection from Homo propaganda”; more extreme subspecies, that we can recognize frequently due to their shaved heads, are likely to the group behaviours and the use of strength

Erection process
at the present is still in the crawling phase

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

actually he's not crawling, he's standing high (i know this is a very inappropriate word here) on his toes, but looking like he were crawling is the best he can get;)